Design of Remote System for Pin-Hole TV Camera Lens 针孔摄像镜头遥控系统的设计
Because of the insufficient cue of depth, the traditional pin-hole camera model cannot be used in some areas, such as medical and military simulation. 传统的计算机小孔成像模型因缺乏必要的深度信息,不能满足医学、军事等领域的仿真需求。
This paper presents the new view formula that the sphere pin-hole camera model produces in the warping equation, and the process of specific speculation. 论文给出了球体针孔摄像机模型在warping方程中生成新视图的公式,以及具体推导过程。
Based on the pin-hole camera model with one order radial lens distortion, two-step method of RAC is described to calibrate parameters of camera, and is validated on line. 考虑透镜的径向一阶畸变,采用RAC两步标定法标定摄像机参数,并在线对该文的方法进行了验证。
In the thesis, many efforts are made on the study of the linear camera calibration technique, which is based on pin-hole imaging model and at last a simple and feasible camera calibration technique is determined according to the experience. 摄像机标定是视觉系统不可缺少的一个组成部分,在本文中我们研究了以针孔模型为模型的线性摄像机标定技术,并根据经验确定了简单且可行的摄像机标定技术。
On the base of perspective theory and graphic knowledge, inferring and constructing camera model ( pin-hole model) to determine geometry local of some feature points in world and its coordinate on the of the camera. 以透视理论为基础,根据计算机图形学的知识,推导并建立了决定空间武汉理工大学硕士学位论文物体某点的几何位置与该点在采集图像上相应位置关系的摄像机模型,即针孔模型;
The localization model combines the pin-hole camera model and the physical link model of robots, and can localize the object precisely. 定位模型将摄像机成像模型与机器人位姿模型相结合,对目标物体进行定位。